Рефераты. Basic English

While a spelling checker can help you with your writing, it is not a substitute for good language skills. Because it only matches combinations of letters, a spelling checker cannot determine whether you are using words correctly. For example if you use too in a sentence that requires two, a spelling checker will not detect the error because too is spelled correctly.

If you are typing the sentence `I wish I were at the beach' and you make a mistake and type `I fish I were at the beach', the spelling checker will not detect the error, since fish is properly spelled.

2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

To create; save document; complex functions; sophisticated; spelling checker; misleading; properly spelled words; spelled correctly; technical terms; substitute.

3. Find out which form-Present Continuous or Present Perfect are correct in the following sentences:

1. I (not, attend) any parties since I came here. 2. Try not to be absent from class again for the term. You (already, miss) too many classes. You (miss) two classes just last week. 3. Last December, I (see) snow for the first time in my life. 4. In her whole lifetime, Anna (never, see) snow. 5. I (know) Nick for ten years. 6. So far this week I (have) a quiz and two tests. 7. Up to now, Professor Higgins (give) our class five tests. 8. What (lean, you) since you (come) here? 9. How many new friends (you, make)? 10. I hope you (already, meet) a lot of interesting people.

4. Find out which form Past Simple or Past Perfect is correct in the following sentences:

1. They (look) the gates before I (get) there. 2. By the time we (arrive) to the party, it (finish). 3. I (ring) at the shop as soon as I (check) the contents of the box. 4. We (have) a good rest when our guests all (leave). 5. When he (ring) to the office this morning, Ann (already, leave). 6. We've had to wait two hours at the airport because the bad weather (delay) all the flights. 7. They missed their train, so by the time they reached the theater, the play (end) and they (leave) the theater. 8. At the end of their meal they found that they couldn't pay the bill because they (not, bring) money with them. 9. When I came out of the cinema I (find) that a thief (take) my car radio. 10. When a film star came into the restaurant I (not, recognize) her because I (not see) any of her films.

5. Read and translate the text and use it in your own speech:


Ukraine is situated in the east of the European continent. It is bordered by the Black sea and the Sea of Azov. The total area of Ukraine is 603,700 square kilometers. The country is known for its mild climate and attractive scenery, with numerous lakes, rivers, the forested Carpathian mountains in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the South.

Ukraine is rich in mineral resources such as iron ore, manganese ore and coal. Agriculture is also extremely important. Grain, industrial crops (maize, sunflower, and sugar beet), potatoes, fruit and vegetables are produced. There are a lot of enterprises in the fields of engineering, metal working, chemical engineering coal mining, fuel production, light, and food industries. Diesel locomotives, sea-going ships, aircraft, buses, television sets, microscopes, computers and many other commodities are produced in Ukraine.

The population of the country is about 50 million, some 65% of whom live in the cities. The country is divided into 24 regions. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine. The capital city is Kyiv.

The Supreme Council of Ukraine passed the Act of Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991. The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted by the Supreme Council in June 1996. The Ukrainian currency, the hryvnya, was introduced in September 1996.

Our country is a member of the United Nations and its representatives are active in the work of UNESCO (United Nation Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) and other international organizations.

6. Language work: Say the sentences using to be able to or to be unable in the correct form. Use the words from the box. Translate the sentences:

1) Walk think rent reach help look come describe attend have finish come walk carry do come and pick work improve write sleep

1. My hands were shaking so much that I … … my name on the exam paper.

2. She… … this computer program next month.

3. He lay awake all night ….

4. … you …these bags on your own?

5. I ……. Faster because I was too tired.

6. She … … tonight she had an accident on the way home.

7. Fortunately, she … … her attacker in great detail.

8. I … … the report in a week.

9. Three weeks after the accident, she … … even exercises in the gym.

10. As senior students, we … … some university classes.

11. Unfortunately, Tina … … children.

12. Unfortunately, I … … them.

13. I'm afraid I … … to the meeting after all.

14. Many passengers … … the lifeboats in time.

15. I'm afraid that I … … on Friday.

16. That's fine. I … … at the station.

17. In the end, we … … a suitable office near the Central Station.

18. Now I've got an extra weekend, I ……. At the proposal in more detail.

19. I … … of anything.

20. Greg … … since he was injured in a riding accident.

2) Say the sentences in English using may to express permission or polite requests:

1. Ви можете подзвонити мені додому ввечері.

2. Можна поставити вам два запитання?

3. Можна у вас попросити цю книгу?

4. Можна я запізнюсь на 5 хвилин?

5. Можна пронести вашу сумку?

6. Ви можете прийти завтра?

7. Ти можеш взяти гроші у мене в гаманці.

8. Можна зробити пропозицію?

9. Ви можете прийти, якщо хочете.

10. Можна скористатися вашим телефоном?

11. Можна запитати, хто телефонує?

12. Можна подивитись ваші рекомендації?

13. Можна запитати, як вас звати?

14. Ви можете піти з роботи раніше сьогодні.

15. Можна мені взяти відгул в п'ятницю?

16. Я можу пожити у вас деякий час?

17. Ти можеш піти в банк завтра.

18. Можна запросити вас в ресторан?

19. Ви можете показати ці документи нашому гостю.

20. Можна відправити ці листи завтра?

Lesson 8

1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian

What makes a good word-processing program? That depends entirely on how the person who is buying it intends to use it. A novelist would want certain features. A student might want different ones. And the owner of a store might want still others. Someone who is choosing a word-processing program should start by asking three questions:

Selecting a Word-Processing Program

1. What tasks do I want to accomplish?

2. What tasks can this word-processing program accomplish?

3. How easily can this word-processing program accomplish these tasks?

The first question is the most important one. Potential buyers must know what kind of writing they plan to do with a word-processing program before they can choose the program that's best for them. For example, someone who plans to use the program for simple writing tasks like letters and school reports doesn't need sophisticated program with many features, such as one that allows the user to select a variety of type styles.

Once a potential buyer has made a list of necessary features, it should be a simple matter to find a program that offers just those features. It should be, but it often isn't. Many software packages will have all the features except one or will come with one or two extra features that are not on the list. Then the buyer will have to decide whether it is worth it to pay extra for features that aren't really necessary or if it's better to give up a feature or two in order to save some money. Last but not least, the buyer should check how easily the word-processing program performs these functions. The best way to do that is to load the program, type in some text, and try editing it. Some programs are easier to operate than others. Buyers have to determine which software is the easiest for them to work with.

2. Read and translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Word-processing program; certain features; to accomplish; potential buyers; sophisticated program; type styles; necessary features; save some money; to pay extra; programs are easier to operate.

3. Find out which form-Present Continuous or Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:

1. Since classes began, I (not, have) much free time. I (have) several big tests to study for. 2. Last night my roommate and I (have) some free time, so we (go) to a show. 13. I admit that I (get) older since I last (see) you, but with many luck at all, I (get, also) wiser. 14. The science of physics (advance) a great deal in the 19th century. 15. Since the beginning of the 20th century, medical scientists (make) many important discoveries. 16. Libraries today are very different from those in the 1800s. For example, the contents of libraries (change) greatly through years. In the 1800s, libraries (be0 simply collections of books. However today most libraries (become0 multimedia centers that contain tapes, computers, films, magazines, music, and painting. The role of the library in the society (change). In the 1800s, libraries (be) open only to certain people, such as scholars or the wealthy. Today libraries serve everyone. 17. Are you talking Chemistry this semester? - No, I (take, already). I (take) it last semester. - No, I (take, already). I (take) it last semester.

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