Рефераты. Видеозанятия в системе обучения иностранной речи

By 1930, Walt Disney had created 12 Mickey Mouse cartoons. They all were very popular with children and adults all over the world.

Then another great invention was made- colour in movies. Walt started making long colour cartoons. These included “Pinocchio”, “Bambi”, “Cinderella”, “Alice in Wonderland” and many others.

After World War II Walt made not only animated films, but movies about real animals. The film, “Seal Island” was made. Later Walt made many nature films, among them “Beaver Valley”and “Living Desert.”

In 1955, he branched out into a different enterprise- “Disneyland”, a huge amusement park in southern California. Of all the show places, none was as famous as Disneyland. This superb kingdom of fantasy linked to technology was created by Walt Disney.

Honours were given to Walt Disney. The highest came on September 14, 1964, when President Johnson presented him with the Medal of Freedom at the White House.

Walt Disney died in 1966 at the age of 65. the New York Times wrote, “He had a genius for innovation; his production was enormous; his hand was ever on the public pulse. He was a legend in his own lifetime- and so honored many times over.”

Walt Disney is gone but each year lots of new movies and cartoons are made in his studios.

The Jungle Book


This film is made from Rudyard Kipling “Mowgli” stories. The best and most beloved of Kipling's prose works was written in 1894-1895 and was intended for children. In this beautifully written book, Kipling depicts the life of wild animals, and he shows their character and behavour.

The cartoon shows the life of a man-cub in the jungles and his adventures on the way to the man-village.


Mowgli - a man-cub

Bagheera - the black panther

Rama - father wolf

Akela - the leader of the pack

Baloo - the bear

Kaa- the rock python

Shere-Khan - the tiger

Hathi- the elephant

Winifred- Hathi's wife

Little Elephant (Hathi's son)

Louie - the gray monkey


Episode 1

Mowgli and Bagheera

1. Words and expressions.

to swear (swore, sworn) to look out for oneself

to grow up to go to sleep

to make a mistake

Things will look better in the morning.

Leave me alone.

You have just sealed your doom.

This is going to slow down my slithering.

2. Watch the film and show the correct order of events by numbering them from 1 to 6.

_____ Bagheera offered to take Mowgli to a man-village.

_____ A council was held to settle the problem with Mowgli upon the Council Rock.

_____ Bagheera fell asleep.

_____ Bagheera was explainig to Mowgli why he couldn't stay in the jungle.

_____ Kaa hypnotized Mowgli.

_____ Bagheera helped Mowgli.

3. Use a word from the box to complete each of the sentences below.

to grow up to explain to swear to go back

ahead of us to be afraid

a. Shere-Khan has returned to this part of the jungle, and __________ to kill you.

b. Shere-Khan is not going to allow you __________ to become a man.

c. I __________ of Shere-Khan.

d. I don't want __________ to the man-village.

e. No one __________ anything to Shere-Khan.

f. We've got a long journey __________ tomorrow.

Episode 2

Mowgli and Elephants

1. Words and expressions.

patrol muzzle

drill barracks

ranks treason

regulations colonel

to keep heels together to take good care of

2. Watch the film and answer the questions.

What did Mowgli and Bagheera hear in the morning?

What were the elephants doing?

What did Mowgli do?

Why was Colonel Hathi angry?

Why did Mowgli and the Little Elephant laugh?

Why did Bagheera leave Mowgli alone?

Episode 3

Baloo and Mowgli

1. Words and expressions.

bear (bare) necessities confidence

to fight like a bear to weave

to scare somebody to be in trouble

to knock somebody senseless to tickle

to give up to be a lot of fun

at ease Forget about your worries

2. Watch the film and show the correct order of events by numbering them from 1 to 5.

_____ Baloo sang a nice song about bear-necessities.

_____ Bagheera ran to help Mowgli.

_____ Baloo and Mowgli were swimming in the river.

_____ Baloo taught Mowgli to fight like a bear.

_____ Monkeys carried Mowgli off.

3. Use a word from the box to complete each of the sentences below.

scare to give up a lot of fun

worries to fight like a bear to carry off

a. Look for the bear (bare) necessities, Forget about your _____ and your strife.

b. Give me a big bear growl. __________ me.

c. You're tickling. I can't stand it. I __________.

d. I need help, kid. I'll teach you to __________.

e. You __________, Baloo!

f. These mangy monkeys __________ him off.

4. Describe Mowgli's adventures in the jungle (episodes 1-3).

5. Write a character sketch of Baloo.

Episode 4

Mowgli and Monkeys

1. Words and expressions.

Word has grabbed my royal ear.

I can fix it for you.

Have we got a deal?

I wanna be like you

to make one's dream come true to be loaded with

to create a disturbance a swinging party

2. Watch the film and answer the questions.

Where did the monkeys take Mowgli?

What did Louie want from Mowgli?

Why did Louie want to be like a man?

Who came to rescue the man-cub?

What happened to the old castle?

3. Use a word from the box to complete each of the sentences below.

to be crazy to be like somebody to make fire

to have a deal to create a disturbance

a. I am not as __________ as you are!

b. Old King Louie can fix it for you. Have we got ___________ ?

c. I wanna be ____________.

d. I'll rescue Mowgli, while you __________.

e. I don't know how __________ .

4. Pretend that you are Baloo and retell this episode (Mowgli in the castle).

Episode 5

Bagheera and Baloo

1. Words and expressions.

to get into trouble

to learn something from the experience

to have a word with somebody

to take a look at somebody

to take care of somebody

to kidnap somebody

to make a mistake

Birds of a feather flock should together

Are you out of your mind?

That's just the point.

2. Answer the questions.

Why did Bagheera think that the jungle was not the place for Mowgli?

How did Baloo try to prove the opposite?

Why was Shere-Khan against the kid?

To what conclusion did Bagheera and Baloo finally come?

3. Retell the conversation of Bagheera and Baloo in indirect speech.

Episode 6

Mowgli and Baloo

1. Words and expressions.

to forgive oneself to realize

to separate That's going too far.

2. Why didn't Mowgli understand what Baloo was trying to explain to him?

Episode 7

Bagheera and Hathi

1. Words and expressions.

cross-country march emergency

pompous volunteer

to be lost to pick up somebody's trail

to take over command to get hurt

to have a plan in mind devotion to duty

element of surprise

That's an entirely different matter.

2. Which of the following statements are true? Circle the number of each true statement.

1. Shere-Khan waited for Mowgli on the rock.

2. The jungle partrol was on a cross-country march.

3. Baloo told Colonel Hathi about what had happened.

4. Colonel Hathi agreed to help Bagheera at once.

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