Рефераты. Verb phrases

Verb phrase followed by other phrases




VP having just a verb

“What are you givin?”

If Irene had no money she would not be so foolish as to do anything wrong; for they said--they said--she had been asking for a separate room; but, of course, Soames had not....

Timothy, indeed, was seldom seen.



VP followed by a NP

He was an architect, not in itself a sufficient reason for wearing such a hat.

Never had there been so full an assembly, for, mysteriously united in spite of all their differences, they had taken arms against a common peril.

There was warmth, but little colour, in her cheeks.



VP followed by an AdjP

If he were sleek, well-brushed, prosperous-looking, it was more necessary to give him nice things.

Her large, dark eyes were soft.



VP followed by AN AdvP

In the end each gave exactly what was right and proper.

His forehead sloped back towards the crown of his head, and bulged out in bumps over the eyes, like foreheads seen in the Lion-house at the Zoo.

And every now and then a Forsyte would come up, sidle round, and take a look at him.



VP followed by PP

Had she not said to Mrs. Soames--who was always so beautifully dressed--that feathers were vulgar?

Like cattle when a dog comes into the

field, they stood head to head and shoulder to shoulder, prepared to run upon and trample the invader to death.

How impossible and wrong would it

have been for any family, with the regard for appearances which should ever characterize, the great upper middle-class, to feel otherwise than uneasy!

A tall woman, with a beautiful figure, which some member of the family had once compared to heathen goddess, stood looking at these two with a shadowy smile.



VP followed by a PP+VP

He had never committed the imprudence of marrying, or encumbering himself in any way with children.



VP followed by two or more phrases.

The eldest by some years of all the Forsytes, she held a peculiar position amongst them.

The author of the uneasiness stood talking to June by the further door.

He stretched out his hand to meet that of a dapper, clean-shaven man, with hardly a hair on his head, a long, broken nose, full lips, and cold grey eyes under rectangular brows.



Conclusions to Part III

1. We have made a discourse analysis of the verb phrases in Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy. As we may conclude the author frequently uses verb phrases.

2. According to the data from the tables we come to a conclusion that Galsworthy mainly describes people's acts, deeds and the results of these acts. This is why the author preferably uses the verb phrases of movement.

3. Galsworthy also uses simple lexical verbs to show feeling, emotions, thoughts of his heroes.


1. Syntax is the branch of grammar dealing with the ways in which words, with or without appropriate inflections, are arranged to show connections of meaning within the sentence.

2. The main object of syntax is sentence construction.

3. One of the most obvious yet important ways in which languages differ is the order of the main elements in a sentence.

4. The basic word order in English clauses is subject-verb-object, articles precede the noun they modify, and auxiliary verbs precede the main verb. These are English-specific syntactic rules.

5. The connection between the words in a sentence is realized through the changes in their forms and these changes in the form of the words to indicate their function in the sentence are called `inflections', and the study of the formation of words and how they may change their form is called morphology.

6. Syntax investigates simple sentences, as well as their combinations called complex sentences.

7. A central part of the description of what speakers do is characterizing the grammatical (or well-formed) sentences of a language and distinguishing them from ungrammatical or (ill-formed) sentences.

8. Two interrelated aspects of syntax: relational structure and constituent structure.

9. Words organization into phrases. Types of phrases.

10. In order to check if word combination is a phrase, the tests for phrases are to be done.

11. Verbs are the very large lexical word class in English. Verb is a part of speech which denotes an action.

12.Verb has the following grammatical categories: person, number, tense, aspect, voice and mood. These categories can be expressed by means of affixes, inner flexion and by form words.

13. As a word class verbs can be divided into three main categories, according to their function within the verb phrase: the open class of Full Verbs (or lexical verbs), and the very small closed classes of Primary Verbs, and Modal Auxiliary Verbs.

14.The verb has finite and nonfinite forms (called verbals). There are three verbals in English: the participle, the gerund and the infinitive.

15.The subclasses of lexical verb that can be identified tend to depend on the context in which they occur. Whilst the traditional grammars distinguished between transitive and intransitive verbs.

16. Verbs are the nucleus around which sentences are typically built.

17.Whether an item takes a specifier or not is an important characterizing feature for the functional categories. Those lexical categories that take a specifier are verbs; those that do not are nouns and adjectives.

18.Verb phrase is the part of the predicate constituent that does not contain optional adverbials.

19. The simplest verb phrase will be a main lexical verb on its own. The other constituents of the verb phrase will be modal auxiliary, perfect auxiliary, progressive auxiliary, and passive verb.

20. The Verb Phrases exist of two types: finite VP and nonfinite VP. They have the grammatical categories of the verb itself.

21. We have made a discourse analysis of the verb phrases in Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy. As we may conclude the author frequently uses verb phrases.

22. According to the data from the tables we come to a conclusion that Galsworthy mainly describes people's acts, deeds and the results of these acts. This is why the author preferably uses the verb phrases of movement. Out of about 80 sentences examined on pp.1-10 35% contain simple lexical verb phrases, 22% - perfective verb phrases, 16% - with mostly modal verbs, in 15% of the sentences are preferably used passive VP and only in 6% of all sentences Galsworthy uses progressive verb phrases.

23. To make his language rich and colorful John Galsworthy uses verb phrases in combination with another word phrases. According to our research verb phrases are mainly proceeded by two or more different word combinations - 23% out of 226 sentences investigated, including 20% of the noun phrases. Verb phrases are also followed by preposition phrases - 17%, adverb phrases - 14%, adjective phrases - 11%. The minority of the word combinations following verb phrases is after verb phrases containing just a verb itself - 9%, and phrases including preposition phrase and verb phrase again.


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Glossary of Linguistic Terms

Adjective - is a word expressing a quality of a substance.

Adverb - is a part of speech which expresses some circumstances that attend an action or state, or points out some characteristic features of an action or a quality.

Article - is a structural part of speech used with nouns.

Aspect - is a grammatical category that reflects the way in which the action of a verb is viewed with respect on time.

Auxiliary verbs - verbs that have little or no lexical meaning. verbs, they help to form complex verb forms.

Cleft test - taking the original sentence, and putting it into the frame like: It is/was/will be ____ that/who ____, without changing it in any way except for taking one part of it out and putting it in the first slot, and putting the rest of the sentence in the second slot.

Constituent structure - the hierarchical organization of the units into a sentence.

Finite forms - lexical verbs that do not need an auxiliary verb in order to function in main clauses.

Intransitive verb - occurs with both indirect and direct objects.

Modal verbs express the attitude of the speaker to the reality, possibility or probability of the action he speaks about.

Morphology - the study of the formation of words and how they may change their form.

Movement test - a specific case of movement and the formation of a passive sentence.

Nonfinite forms - verbs that do not express person, number or mood and cannot be used as the predicate of a sentence.

Noun - is a word expressing substance in the widest sense of the word.

Noun phrase - the constituent composed of a noun and an article.

Object - is a secondary part of the sentence which completes or restricts the meaning of the verb or sometimes an adjective, a word denoting state, or a noun.

Predicate - is the second principal part of the sentence which expresses an action, state, or quality of the person or thing, denoted by the subject.

Preposition - is a part of speech which denotes the relations between the objects and phenomena.

Pronoun - is a part of speech which points out objects and their qualities without naming them.

Relational structure - kind of syntax investigating grammatical relations like subject and direct object; encompassing relationships like modifier-modified possessor-possessed .

Sentence - is a unit of speech whose grammatical structure conforms to the laws of the language and which serves as the chief means of conveying a thought.

Subject - is the principal part of two-member sentence which is grammatically independent of the other parts of the sentence and on which the second principal part (the predicate) is grammatically dependent, i.e. in most case sit agrees with the subject in number and person.

Substitution test - substitution of a set of words with a single other word, without changing the overall meaning, in order to check if the words form a phrase.

Syntax - the branch of grammar dealing with the ways in which words, with or without appropriate inflections, are arranged to show connections of meaning within the sentence

Transitive verb - occurs with an object in subject-predicator-object structures

Verb - is a part of speech which denotes an action.

Verb phrase - that part of the predicate constituent that does not contain optional adverbials.

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