Рефераты. Teaching sentence structure

5. The pink dogwood is considered by many people the most people the most beautiful flowering tree.

RETAINED OBJECT A verb which takes an indirect object in the active voice may in the passive voice retain a direct object (called the «retained object»).

Active voice, with indirect object: Mr. Tompkins gave the new pitcher his instructions (Instructions is the direct object; pitcher is the indirect object.)

Passive voice with retained object: The new pitcher was given his instructions by Mr. Tompkins. (Instructions is the retained object)

The active voice with an indirect object is usually preferable to the passive voice with a retained object. Where the doer of the action is unknown or unimportant, however, the retained object is a useful device.

For the prevention of scurvy each British sailor was allotted a daily ration of lemon juice. (Ration is the retained object)

The astronaut was an awarded a medal for his achievements.

The retained object medal is separated from the verb by a wavy line.

RETAINED INDIRECT OBJECT An indirect object may also be retained in the passive voice.

Active voice: They gave the winner of the spelling bee a prize.

Passive voice: A prize was given the winner of the spelling bee. (Winner is a retained indirect object. The passive does not emphasize the doer of the action.)

Two hamsters were given him for Christmas.

The retained indirect object him is diagramed like a regular indirect object.

PRACTICE 17. Identifying Parts of the Simple Sentence D

Diagram the following sentences.

OR Copy the following sentences, skipping every other line. Underline every simple or compound subject once and every predicate verb twice. Enclose every prepositional phrase in parentheses. Identify all forms listed below. Write the abbreviation above the word.

p.a.-predicate adjective ap.-appositive

p.n.-predicate noun a.n.-adverbial noun

p.pr.-predicate pronoun o.c.-objective complement

d.o.-direct object r.o.-retained object

i.o.-indirect objects r.i.o.-retained indirect object

o.p.-object of preposition

1 We found Scott uneasy (about his examination).

2. The boys were given excellent advice (for the selection) (of a college).

3. Heavy insulation will make the doghouse warm and cozy.

4. The princes in «The Lady or the Tiger?» is given two choices.

5. Dad painted the living room a light shade (of green)

6 A reward was offered her.

PRACTICE 18 Using Retained Objects

Change each of the following sentences with indefinite subjects into sentences with retained objects.

Example: They gave us three suggestions for starting a coin collection.

We were given three suggestions for starting a coin collection.

1. They gave the pirates five minutes for their decision.

2. they told us nothing about the change in regulations

3. They gave us a week for filing final applications.

4. They awarded Perry Mason's client a substantial judgment.

5. They sent us folders on careers.

PRACTICE 19 Changing Passive to Active

Change each of the following sentences with retained object to forceful sentences in the active voice.

Example: I was given a pearl necklace by Aunt Martha.

Aunt Martha gave me a pearl necklace.

1. I was told my favorite story about my father's childhood escapades by my grandmother.

2. Johnny was sent a real Swiss cowbell by Uncle Ted.

3. I was given some foreign currency by Mrs. Walker.

4. Paul was done a favor by Dan Abrams.

5. The guests were played a lively folk tune by the orchestra.


VERBAL A verbal is a verb form used like an adjective, a noun, or an adverb.

Like verbs, verbal can have complements and adverbial modifiers. They cannot, however, be predicate verbs.

NOT A SENTENCE The flag still is flying over Fort McHenry. Modern English in Action, Henry I. Christ, DC Heath and company, Boston 2001

A SENTENCE The flag was still flying over Fort McHenry.

A SENTENCE Francis Scott Key saw the flag still flying over Fort McHenry.

PARTICIPLE A participle is a form of the verb that is used only as an adjective

A participle is part adjective and part verb. Many participles end in ing, ed, or d. The participles of the verb carry are carrying, carried, having carried, being carried, having been carried.

To find out what word a participle modifies, ask the question «Who?» or «What?» about it.

Stately mansions built by whaling captain line the cobblestone streets of Nantucket. (What were built? Mansions. Built modifies mansions.)

Among the houses lining the elm-shaded street are three large ones known as the «Three Bricks» (Lining is a participle modifying houses; known is a participle modifying ones.)

1. A biography written by Parson Weems established Francis Marion as the Robin Hood of the Revolution.

A participle is placed partly on a slanting line, like an adjective, and partly on a horizontal line, like a verb. As an adjective, written modifies biography; as a verb, it is modified by the adverb phrase by Parson Weems.

2. Having served his country as a regular officer for five years, Marion began his career as a partisan in 1780.

The participle having served as an adjective modifies Marion; as a verb, it takes a direct object, country, and is modified by two adverbs phrases, as a regular officer and for five years.

PARTICIPIAL PHRASE A participle and the words that modify it or complete its meaning form a participial phrase.

Using his experience as an Indian fighter and his knowledge of the gloomy cypress swamps, Marion shrewdly planned his raids. (The participial phrase contains two prepositional phrases, as an Indian fighter and of the gloomy cypress swamps, and two direct objects, experience and knowledge.)

PRACTICE 20 Explaining Participles

Diagram the following sentences.

OR Copy every participle and explain its use in the sentence.


1. Born in1810, P.T. Barnum held a variety of jobs in his early years.

2. Having studied people carefully, he soon discovered the power of curiosity.

3. Barnum's museum was a display of oddities collected from various places on earth.

4. Some of the oddities were fakes manufactured by Barnum.

5. Having joined the body of a monkey and the tail of a fish, Barnum exhibited a «mermaid.»

6. He once exhibited a pickpocket caught by the police.

A. 1. General Tom Thump and the «Woolly Horse» were two other famous oddities exhibited by Barnum.

2. Barnum, having directed a parade of ten elephants on Broadway, kept one elephants for publicity purposes.

3. Visitors to Bridgeport could watch this elephant plowing a field.

4. Having brought the great singer Jenny Lind here, Barnum actually furthered the cause of music in America.

5. Mark Twain thoroughly enjoyed the autobiography first written by Barnum in 1855.

6. Having joined forces with J.A. Bailey, Barnum formed one of the greatest circuses in the world.

GERUND A verb form ending in ing may be used as a noun. This verbal noun is called a «gerund.»

Subject: Catching and taming a wild pony was an Indian horseman's first concern. (Catching and taming is the compound subject of the verb was.).

The Plains Indians enjoyed racing horses for sport.


The Indians trained a horse for a race by tying the animal to a stake or tree.

1. Crossing the Niagara gorge on a tightrope was first accomplished by the Frenchman known professionally as Blondin.

As a noun the gerund crossing is the subject of the verb was accomplished. As a verb it is modified by the adverb phrase on a tightrope and takes the object gorge. Known is a participle modifying Frenchman. When the subject, the direct object, or the predicate noun is a gerund phrase, it is placed on a platform as indicated in the diagram.

2. One of his spectacular feats was carrying a man on his back during a crossing.

Carrying is used as a predicate noun. Crossing, in the sense used here, is defined as a noun.

3. Blondin often thrilled spectators by turning somersaults on the swaying rope.

The gerund turning is the object of the preposition by and takes the object somersaults.

GERUND PHRASE A ground and the word which modify it or complete its meaning form a gerund phrase.

At the age of fine Blondin began experimenting on the tightrope.

PRACTICE 21 Explaining Gerunds

Diagram the following sentences.

OR Copy every gerund and explain its use.


A. 1. Can you imagine building a tunnel in secret beneath a busy city street?

2 A surprise events for New Yorkers in 1870 was the opening of a mysterious new subway.

3. Cars were propelled by blowing air through a tube.

4. The builder, Alfred Beach, had received permission for constructing a pneumatic dispatch service.

5. Instead he built a subway by enlarging the tube.

6. For privacy, the builder chose working during the quiet hours of the night.

B 1. For removing dirt quietly the workers muffled the wheels of the wagons.

2. Tunneling through the soil did not disturb the street traffic.

3. The goal was providing a new method of transportation for New Yorkers.

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